How to Network with People at Events

April 13,2023

Networking at events can be an effective way to expand your business contacts and gain new opportunities. With the rise of mobile apps like Spotbee, networking at events has become easier than ever. Here are some tips for networking effectively at events:

Be prepared

Before attending an event, do your research on the attendees and schedule. Spotbee makes it easy to see

Bring business cards

While digital tools like Spotbee make networking easier, it’s still important to bring business cards. They allow you to exchange contact information quickly and easily with others.

Attend with a goal

Determine what you hope to achieve at the event. Maybe it’s to meet a specific person or to gather information on a particular topic. Spotbee allows you to see the event schedule, so you can plan out your goals in advance.

Be approachable

Smile, make eye contact, and be open to starting conversations with others. Spotbee’s chat feature allows you to connect with other attendees before the event, which can help break the ice when you meet in person.

Follow up

After the event, follow up with your new connections. Send a personalized message, connect on social media, or schedule a follow-up meeting. Spotbee makes it easy to keep track of your new connections and schedule follow-up conversations.

By following these tips and using tools like Spotbee, you can make the most out of networking at events and grow your professional network.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I make a lasting impression on someone I meet at an event?

To make a lasting impression on someone you meet at an event, it’s important to be authentic and genuine in your interactions. This means actively listening to what they have to say and showing a sincere interest in getting to know them. Additionally, make sure to follow up after the event with a personalized message or invitation to connect on social media. By demonstrating that you value the relationship and are invested in maintaining it, you can leave a positive and lasting impression.

What should I do if I feel nervous or shy at networking events?

Feeling nervous or shy at networking events is completely normal, and it’s important to remember that many people feel the same way. One strategy to combat nerves is to come prepared with some conversation starters or icebreakers. You can also set a goal for yourself, such as introducing yourself to a certain number of people or having a meaningful conversation with someone new. Additionally, try to focus on the other person and their interests rather than your own nerves or discomfort.

How can I use technology to enhance my networking efforts at events?

Technology can be a powerful tool for enhancing your networking efforts at events. One strategy is to use social media platforms like LinkedIn to research attendees before the event and identify potential connections or common interests. During the event, you can use apps like Spotbee to connect with other attendees and stay up-to-date on the latest event information. Additionally, you can use email or social media to follow up with connections after the event and continue the conversation. However, it’s important to strike a balance between technology and face-to-face interactions, as the latter is often more effective for building strong relationships.

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